domingo, 8 de junho de 2008

Teaching vocabulary

Alessandra's task:

How to teach vocabulary!!!!

It was proposed us to discuss about vocabulary. In first place, we had to put it down on the paper: How we can work with this theme and then, we had to read an article about it.

After that, I realised that we had the same ideas for this theme like Jeremy Harmer.Both of us agree that, the student needs to learn it through music,games and especcialy, from reading and listening activities.

Students can also make a list of their favourite words. This types of activities can encourage our students to take the words for themselves and make friends with English. But we have to be careful with words meaning because one word can have more tahn one meaning depending on the context.

To solve this, students can use monolingual dictionaries, they contain examples of wordsbeing used in phrases and they have information about all the aspects of words.

Therefore, the main skill for foreign language students is their ability to record the news words.They learn in an organised way. They can organise them in cathegories: (family, clothes,etc).

Anyway, we have to use strategies (such as games,dialogues,word maps, etc) to help our students to build their own vocabulary.

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